CT2 Core Team
Active Members
Prof. Bernhard Esslinger
Overall Project Coordinator
University of Siegen
Prof. Dr. Nils Kopal
Project Lead CT2, Core- and Plugin Developer
Hochschule Niederrhein
Prof. Dr. Arno Wacker
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Armin Krauss
Core- and Plugin Developer
Inactive Members
Sebastian Przybylski
Plugin Developer, HowTo Author
Thomas Schmid
Software Architect, Core Development Lead
Dr. Martin Saternus
Software Architect, Microsoft .NET Expert
Dr. Matthäus Wander
Former Technical Lead
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Viktor Matkovic
GUI Developer
Sven Rech
Core- and Plugin Developer
Sören Rinne
Webmaster, Graphical Designer, Plugin Developer
T-Systems International GmbH
Philipp Südmeyer
Project Coordinator
DZ Bank AG
Florian Marchal
Plugin Developer, Installer
Further Contributors
Abdeljalil Bourbahh
Armin Wiefels
Bernardo Alarcos
Christian Arnold
Christian Bender
Christian Geihe
Christian Meyer
Christoph Hartmann
Christopher Konze
Christopher Krüger
Coen Ramaekers
Corinna John
Danail Vazov
Daniel Kohnen
David Oruba
Dennis Nolte
Eric Schmeck
Fabian Enkler
Georgi Angelov
Gerhard Junker
Henner Heck
Holger Pretzsch
Jens Schomburg
Julian Weyers
Jörg Drobick
Lorenz Schwittmann
Martin Jedrychowski
Martin Switek
Michael Hörenberg
Mirko Sartorius
Oriol Carreras
Patrick Vacek
Paul Lelgemann
Peter Schartner
Raoul Falk
Sally Addad
Simon Malischewski
Simone Sauer
Stefan Schröder
Tim Podeszwa
Timm Korte
Timo Eckhardt
Wilmer Gomez