Friday, June 16, 2023

CrypTool 2 Release 2023.1 published

CrypTool 2General News

In June 2023, we released version "2023.1" which is the first release of the year. The previous CT2 version was released in December 2022.

Since the December version, we have introduced some interesting new ciphers, such as GRANIT 160, a hand cipher used by GDR spies, as well as the Typex cipher machine. Another new component is RAPPOR. RAPPOR stands for "Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response" and is "a technology for crowdsourcing statistics from end-user client software, anonymously, with strong privacy guarantees." [1]. Additionally, we have addressed various bugs, both minor and major, in CT2 and its components, including issues with loading large Workspace Manager models. Furthermore, we have expanded the functionalities of existing components, which are listed below.

If you would like a more comprehensive overview of the CrypTool 2 components we have implemented over the past three years, you should watch the video "CrypTool 2 Highlights of the Last Three Years - CrypTool Symposium 2023 in Munich" from the YouTube channel "Cryptography for Everybody". Watch the video here this link.

We greatly appreciate the feedback, requests, compliments, and constructive criticism from our many users. We hope that you have as much fun using CT2 as we have had in developing it!

Sincerely yours, The CrypTool 2 Developer Team, June 2023


You can read the changelog here:

Posted by:

Nils Kopal