Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Student Crypto 2014 in Kassel

Student Crypto

On 2014-04-29, another Student Crypto took place at the University of Kassel. Like last year, this Student Crypto was a cooperation project between the Department 16 Electrical Engineering/Computer Science of the University of Kassel and the Schülerforschungszentrum Nordhessen (SFN).

At the Student Crypto, students and teachers of the upper school can learn the science of secret language (cryptology) and try it out for themselves. More information about this Student Crypto can be found in the flyer.

On the website of the Department of Applied Information Security of the University of Kassel there are some impressions and in the HNA of 2014-04-29 a short report about it.

Furthermore, the whole lecture of this event is freely available on YouTube.

Posted by:

Arno Wacker