Friday, December 21, 2018

New Version of CrypTool — CT 2.1 (2018-3) released

CrypTool 2General News

The new release version of CrypTool 2.1 was published on Dec 19, 2018.

This "Xmas version" is available in 3 languages (German, English, and Russian). It contains many small improvements and a direct connection to the Swedish DECODE database for encrypted, historical documents.

The open-source project CrypTool (CT) creates the most widespread free e-learning programs for cryptography and cryptanalysis. The CT programs are used at many schools and universities worldwide, but also in companies and administrations.

A practical introduction to CT2 with many exercises and screenshots (from a workshop in Prague) can be found here.

We would be happy if many of you use CrypTool for teaching, self-study, education, and awareness. Please continue to give us feedback and to contribute with new algorithms and implementations.

Posted by:

Bernhard Esslinger